Sony World Photography Organization Awards 2014, Professional Competition, 2nd place Art & Culture Category.
Exposition of my project “…or any other place on earth: memory works through analogies” during the Future Identities – Bodies . Places . Spaces, international architecture, video art, experimental cinema, photography, installation and performance art festival, Venice, Palazzo Albrizzi, Italy
Exposition of my series “The Magic of Circus”, “Chair as the focal point of Cairo’s social life”, “Flying Away: Description of a Need” during R-evolution Summer Festival 2014, Barletta, Italy
Exposition of my series “Sarajevo Scars” during FIOF Festival 2014 (Fondo Internazionale per la Fotografia), Orvieto, Italy
Selected for exposing one of my project during Fotografia Europea Festival 2014, Reggio Emilia, Italy
I discovered my interest for photography after my graduation in Economics in 2000 when I asked for my first analogical reflex as a present.
After gaining some experience in using the camera and in printing my pictures, I decided to give consistency to my passion with a course on photography technique and fine art dark room printing at the Istituto Eurpopeo di Design in Turin while I was there for working reasons during 2003. For career reasons I moved to Rome and there, after some years during which I had the chance to work on my photography projects and on dark room printing a lot, I decided to invest in my education taking a master of photography at the Istituto Superiore per la Fotografia e la Comunicazione Integrata in Rome, during the AA 2006/2007. The master included disciplines of reportage and photojournalism, history of photography, still life through the use of optical bench, fashion photography, fine art printing and digital photography. At that time for economic reasons I couldn’t afford to leave my other career, but I have always continued to use my passion for photography as a powerful means for knowing more deeply the reality my personal life and my profession allow me to discover during my experiences and travels.
I am mainly involved in street/documentary photography trying to recount something about lifestyle and peculiar situations in the different countries I have the chance to go due to my job or in my everyday life while performing the regular daily activities, the latter often making me digress from street to fine art photography sounding emotions and feeling of my inner life. In both cases I always consider photography as research: research on world surrounding me everywhere I have the chance to go, research on my personal life and on people belonging to it and, as a consequence, research on inwardness: scanning life situations helps me to deepen knowledge in general and knowledge on myself in particular, trying hopefully to achieve the goal to better understand the human nature.